Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Navigate 4.1.1 Trend Impact

The biggest trend I see coming is the virtual education setting. Looking at Florida, it is required that all students in the state take one online class to graduate. Their virtual school started off as a small organization that has now boomed to it's own school system. Students start off taking the one virtual course required and then realize how much they enjoy the format and continue to take course. The homeschool movement has played a huge impact to its growth as well. The state virtual school in Florida does not charge such as Georgia Virtual does for homeschooled students. It is a fully funded school system and even awards diplomas. Student professional athletes, homeschool students, students on homebound all can turn to a legitimate state run education organization for their needs for free and even receive a high school diploma.

I believe we will see this growth in all states eventually. As charter school movements, school choice, and homeschool continues to see growth, virtual education formats will also begin to meet the needs of students. One of the biggest changes I saw while teaching in Florida in both brick and mortar and virtual is the amount of students graduating early with the help of virtual school. Students supplement their day and take extra courses during the school year and summer to graduate 1-1.5 years early. They can then dual enroll and begin taking college classes completely for free as a dual enrolled student. I had several students by their senior year already graduating with an associates degree. This is the change we need to see in education. Opening doors for the motivated students to reach their potential early and have the opportunity to do so.

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