Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Communicate 4.3.1

Reflect upon the importance of utilizing a synchronous session to “create a true classroom culture” online. How does integrating synchronous learning sessions within the online environment assist in developing a learning community for students? Discuss this question at length in your blog.

As a prior virtual teacher I understand the importance of synchronous sessions or live lessons as I call them. First we must entice students to attend these sessions. Yes we as teachers know that they will enhance their education experience, but as a student on a virtual setting they see it as a reason they aren't in the classroom to begin with. Do we require students to attend a certain number, do we offer extra credit for attendance? These are all guidelines that the virtual school would need to establish.

Once we have enticed the students attend how do we lay out our lessons. My lessons last no longer than 1 hour and preferably 45 minutes. I previously taught government online. It was a four chapter course. When the teachers offered live lessons we created a team calendar of a variety of topics. We had module starter options for each module, module reviews, primary source sessions, test taking skills, and final exam review. I always taught our chapter 3 starter and our final exam review session. Final exam review was pretty straight forward review game and answering questions for students. The starter lessons are more exciting. Students are attending to get help and overview of the chapter. We would go over briefly the lessons within the chapter and what they will see coming up. We then dove into 2-3 assignments that I considered "toughies". In this time we went over the material in an interactive approach and students left the lesson with their activities started, but had to complete on their own. I used Blackboard and students would be interactive during these times by writing on the whiteboard, chat box, or even taking over the microphone and asking questions.

Live lessons are key to a virtual school. How will we earn the respect of the education community if we are only robots and not interacting with our students? Live lessons is the true heart of a virtual school. It's where we connect with our students and take on the traditional "teaching" role again and not just a facilitator moving students through pre made material.

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