Friday, March 28, 2014

Create 2.1.3 Differentiation assessment

I have often used Blackboard as a key differentiation tool. It is also a great tool for legality reasons as well. Doing oral quizzes with students is typically on the phone. What do you do when you have a student who is severe autistic and has trouble verbalizing. Well for legality reasons I could have them join me in a blackboard session and record it. We can turn on video to we can verify it is the student typing. We can post questions and have students write responses versus verbalizing. I can record the session for legality reasons and store for reference.

From this lesson I really like the toondoo website. This is just like a ticket out the door in a typical classroom. This would make a great transition to make sure students are understanding the reading and larger picture before the formative assessments.

toondoo interactive comics

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