Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Communicate 4.2.1
I used a lesson from a previous course I taught.
Standards: would need to align to Georgia. (lesson currently from previous State I taught in)
SS.912.C.2.12 Explain the changing roles of television, radio, press, and Internet in political communication.
SS.912.C.2.13 Analyze various forms of political communication and evaluate for bias, factual accuracy, omission, and emotional appeal.
LACC.910.WHST.4.10 Write routinely over extended time frames (time for reflection and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.
Time to put your knowledge of the evolving role of the media in political messages to work! You’ve been asked by a popular news organization to create a web article for their official website that will help the public understand the role media plays in politics. Your product will first explain your analysis of a media item and then describe how the role of media in politics has changed over time.
1. Choose a political cartoon or campaign video to analyze (list will be provided).  
2. Analyze the political message delivered in your chosen item. In two well-written paragraphs, explain the background of the image or video and explain what bias the message reveals and how. 
    3.. Write a third well written paragraph that answers the following question, in your own words. How have the media changed over time, and how has this affected political communication?

35-40 points
The work contains all of the required elements:
  • media item
  • background of political message
  • analysis of message for bias
  • explanation of changing role of media
29-34 points
The work contains most of the required elements:
  • media item
  • background of political message
  • analysis of  message for bias
  • explanation of changing role of media
20-28 points
The work contains some of the required elements:
  • media item
  • background of political message
  • analysis of message for bias
  • explanation of changing role of media
0-19 points
The work contains few of the required elements:
  • media item
  • background of political message
  • analysis of message for bias
  • explanation of changing role of media
35-40 points
article contains completely accurate and thoughtful information about the message and its bias. The evaluation changing role is justified
29-34 points
contains mostly accurate and thoughtful information its bias. The evaluation changing role  are mostly justified.
20-28 points
contains somewhat accurate and thoughtful information about  its bias. The evaluationchanging role of the media are somewhat justified.
0-19 points
 contains inadequately accurate   information about the its bias. The evaluation for changing role of the media are inadequately justified.
21st Century presentation skills
17-20 points
The work is well organized, easy to read
14-16 points
The work is mostly organized, easy to read .
10-13 points
The work is somewhat organized, easy to read
0-9 points
The work lacks organization, ease of reading

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