Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Communication 3.2.2

In the virtual setting IEPs and differentiation take on a whole new meaning. Do you know how to discuss the material for a phone quiz with a student who is non verbal? I have. It isn't easy!

Techniques that I like to see is integration of one on one with the student. My non verbal student and I worked together in Blackboard with live video so that I could make sure it was him "discussing" the material with me and to be able to record the lesson for academic integrity purposes.

Most typical IEP requirements are already in place in the virtual setting. Students are given longer on material and exams, they are able to reference back to the material for exams, extended time for course completion is easier to accommodate in a virtual setting.

Looking at ways to present the material I prefer creating blackboard live lesson tutorials or even prezi. Based on the information presented in the lesson a prezi seems like a fantastic choice. Below is an example of a prezi. It was made by Kellye Self on 8/16/2011. The thing about Prezi's is that they are public record just like this blog and can be accessed by anyone.    

Sample Prezi

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