Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Navigate 3.1.4 LMS Reporting

Again I am discussing this as a prior high school virtual educator. The question stated is What are the options for grade reporting? Are their various levels?

In my previous setting as an instructor I received all assignments from my students in one central location. Quizzes and pre-tests with no discussion questions or essays were automatically graded and entered into the grade book. Any quiz, test, pre-test with a written answer would come to my inbox completely graded except for the essay. I would then leave feedback and grade the essay to be entered into the students grade book. Non multiple choice assignments would be uploaded by students in their assessment tab. Once they checked submit for a grade it would be sent to me. I would then grade their work based on the rubric, leave feedback, and it would submit to their grade book.

The students have access to their grade book to see all written feedback. If they were unhappy with a grade they had every opportunity to redo the assignment until mastery was felt. They could do this with any assignment or exam except the final.

The teacher level discussed in the quest is what I see as the most important level. You build your relationship with the student through feedback and help differentiate so the student reaches mastery level. You use the data on all students to see if any improvements need to be made to the course. The teacher is the mid level of the design between the student and the curriculum designers.

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