Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Communicate 4.1.2

Rubrics-Below is a rubric for a student project in a government course. One item I would like to bring up and hopefully discuss in the GAVS process down the road is curriculum design. I have never been a part of a virtual school where teachers are designing their own courses and rubrics. I understand the freedom in the traditional setting, but as we move to a more uniformed curriculum, specifically in an online setting should the courses consist of the same assignments and same rubrics. Should virtual teachers be creating their own rubrics? I have always seen a curriculum team designing the courses and rubrics to keep uniformity within the virtual setting.

Rubric for President Project

Rubric for a President Research Project                 Student Name(s)_____________________________Final Grade________

President Project Summary (for Classmates)
Information Seeking/Selecting and Evaluating
Project Power Point Presentation
Student(s) composed a thoughtful, well written summary that reflects challenging or provocative research. The summary applies AP Government concepts to provide analysis for each focused, specific task area.
Student(s) gathered information from a variety of quality electronic and print sources, including appropriate licensed databases. Sources are relevant, balanced and include critical readings relating to the thesis or problem. Primary sources were included (if appropriate).
Student(s) carefully analyzed the information collected and drew appropriate and inventive conclusions supported by evidence. Voice of the student writer is evident.
Student(s) developed appropriate structure for communicating product, incorporating variety of quality sources. Information is logically and creatively organized with smooth transitions.
Student(s) documented all sources, including visuals, sounds, and animations. Sources are properly cited, both in-text/in-product and on Works-Cited/Works-Consulted pages/slides. Documentation is error-free.
Student(s) effectively and creatively used appropriate communication tools to convey their conclusions and demonstrated thorough, effective research techniques. Product displays creativity and originality.
Student(s) composed a clearly written summary handout reflecting significant research. The summary applies AP Government concepts to provide insights for many specific task areas.
Student(s) gathered information from a variety of relevant sources--print and electronic
Student (s) product shows good effort was made in analyzing the evidence collected
Student(s) logically organized the product and made good connections among ideas
Student(s) documented sources with some care, Sources are cited, both in-text/in-product and on Works-Cited/Works-Consulted pages/slides. Few errors noted.
Student(s) effectively communicated the results of research to the audience.
Student(s) composed a summary reflecting readily available research. The summary lacks application of AP Government concepts to provide analysis of many specific task areas.
Student(s) gathered information from a limited range of sources and displayed minimal effort in selecting quality resources
Student(s) conclusions could be supported by stronger evidence. Level of analysis could have been deeper.
Student(s) could have put greater effort into organizing the product
Student(s) need to use greater care in documenting sources. Documentation was poorly constructed or absent.
Student(s) need to work on communicating more effectively
Student(s) relied on teacher-generated directions.  Summary lacks adequate research on specific task areas or application of AP Government concepts to the summary content.  .
Student(s) gathered information that lacked relevance, quality, depth and balance.
Student(s) conclusions simply involved restating information. Conclusions were not supported by evidence.
Student(s) work is not logically or effectively structured.
Student(s) clearly plagiarized materials.
Student(s) showed little evidence of thoughtful research. Product does not effectively communicate research findings.

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