Monday, March 31, 2014

Evaluate 1.1.1 Formative Assessment

When developing a course the units and assignments should flow together. When a student opens up module 1 the first thing they should see is a pre test. Once completing the pre test they will dive into the readings, videos, and tutorials. As they work through the course different assignments will be embedded along the way. These will consist of activities such as essays, presentations, quizzes, and exams. Ultimately they are used as check points along the way to ensure mastery of the material before the student reaches the end of the module to take the module exam. Student's need check points along the way to ensure mastery. In an online setting the module exam and final exam should be password protected. As the student works through the lessons they are submitting their assessments and receiving feedback. Typically at the end of the unit the student will call the teacher where the material can be discussed and reviewed. At that point the teacher can assess the student's knowledge and either allow the student the password for the exam or give tutorials of what needs to be redone before accessing the exam.

An example of an assessment is below:

Media and Politics

Let’s put your knowledge to work! You have been studying how media evolved over time and how political messages function. Now help your local paper create a news article that will help everyone understand the function media has in politics.


1. Choose a campaign video or political cartoon of your choice.

2. Analyze the political message delivered by your chosen media item. Explain the background of your media choice and explain what bias the message reveals and how.

 3. In conclusion discuss how media has changed over time and how this has changed the political arena.


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