Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Navigate 2.1.4 Lecture Capture
We want to make sure we are getting students into our live lessons. We want students to attend and interact just like in a classroom. This is where we need to be cautious about what we store and make readily available for students. In my previous job we walked a fine line. How do we give students resource videos, but still encourage them to attend and interact in our lessons.

Things I would like to see available on file for student:
1. Getting started videos-tutorials on how to use course

2. Exam reviews

Our live lessons we never saved for student use because they were kick offs as we called them. An example would be a module 1 kick off. The module contained 5 assignments. In the live lesson we went over what assignments were asking, went over struggles in the reading content, and basically ran it just like a brick and mortar classroom lesson. We taught the material and had students prepared for the assignments waiting for them. We did not provide these to students as saved resources because then they would not get one on one attention. We want them to attend the lessons, ask questions, and interact. This is just like a traditional school with teacher student interaction.

Saved files typically are more specific tutorials. A virtual school needs to have a balance because the over all goal is we want student and teacher interaction. We must be careful archiving items that would keep students from interacting with us.

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