Monday, March 31, 2014

Evaluate 1.1.2 Quality Feedback

The biggest advice I can give with feedback is to make it personal to students. Obviously there are tools to allow feedback to be entered rather quickly, but it's the one on one connection that creates a great online school.

Feedback should always include the following:
1. The student's name
2. What the student did right
3. What the student needs improvement on with specifics

Below is an example of feedback I might leave for a student on an assignment. The assignment requires students to conduct an interview or imaginary interview with someone in the naturalization process. They are to ask the questions provided as well as create 3 questions of their own. At the end of the assignment they are to answer two reflection questions over the naturalization process. Johnnie completed the first half of the assignment, but forgot the reflection.

Thank you for your submission Johnnie!  Your naturalization interview was amazing! You did a great job interviewing your friend on their experience with the naturalization process. Please remember to include your two paragraph reflection of the interview and process as well for full credit. Add this and resubmit for more points. Thanks! Mrs Lee

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