Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Navigate 2.1.2 Delivery Methods of the Synchronous lessons

Little background on myself. I previously went through the GAVS training back in 2012 before relocating to Florida and working for another virtual program. During my GAVS training I became very used to using Adobe Connect. During my virtual work experience I lived and breathed Blackboard Collaborate.

Looking at the options listed I still believe Adobe and Blackboard are the most user friendly of the tools. Both are very similar. If I was going to choose one to use fulltime it would be Blackboard. I love the format of it. I love the simplicity of screen sharing, file sharing, and mobile apps.

The downside to both for student usage is the need for either Java or Flash. For my students using Blackboard many had to download Java, which was very simple. For Adobe connect downloading flash can sometimes be more complicated on Apple devices such as an Ipad a student might be using.

Honestly they are very similar and fantastic interactive tools. As a virtual school I believe using a commercially developed product is smarter than using an open source product. You are purchasing a product to be used for a mass market. It needs to come with the support that will inevitably be needed.

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