Wednesday, March 5, 2014

1.1.1 Character Traits Quest

Three big characteristics needed in a successful digital age are:
1. Communication-Important to use respectful grammar and tone when writing. Digital tone is very important. Everything should be delivered with a smile. When working with students in a digital setting we expect respectful tones from them and we should deliver service with a smile as well in our writings.
2. Respect-Bullying needs to always be addressed. With access to emails, discussion posts, interaction in a digital setting we need to be respectful of our peers. Bullying is an unfortunate truth, but will not be tolerated. This relates back to communication and our tones. We would not want our tones to be mistaken as bullying.
3. Safety-Students and teachers need to be aware of boundaries, privacy, student data. Working in a digital age in either recreation setting or education setting protection of our information should be in the forefront of our thinking.

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