Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Navigate 2.1.2 Recorded session

After teaching numerous live lessons in Blackboard and being a virtual student previously myself for my Ed.S at Georgia Southern, I can give one large piece of advice...PUSH RECORD!

Seems like a small thing, but honestly I have been halfway through a lesson and forgotten to push record. We used our live lessons for our administration to do classroom observations of us. It was vital to push record because they could not attend all of them!

The tools are easy to use. You can be creative and interactive. I often found myself still talking wit my hands just as I would in a traditional classroom setting. You can use the camera so students can see you and know you are a "real" person. Once you become familiar with the system and comfortable it is a relatively easy task to perform. It will become second nature just as standing in front of a classroom.

Best advice:
1. relax
2. ask questions-get student interaction-just like in brick & mortar
3. keep it interactive and informative
4. push record!

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