Monday, March 24, 2014

Communicate 1.1.1
As a former virtual teacher my communication skills have greatly changed over the past two years. I communicated with students, teachers, and  stake holders on a daily basis. During an initial welcome call with a parent and student I make sure to get correct numbers, cell numbers, and emails. I also get the parents preferred method of monthly contact. Students react best to texting. They live with smart phones in their hands. I can send them reminders, date invites, and overall motivating texts to keep them moving through the course and keep the course on their mind.

Parents get emails, texts, and calls. If a student is working and being successful and a parent prefers and email or text update than that simple contact is fine. If a student is behind, not working, or failing parents need to be contacted over the phone. I often use email and texts to set up times to reach parents on the phone.

Overall technology has greatly altered communication and will continue to do so. I personally use a google voice number for virtual classrooms. That way I can "turn off" and not worry about being constantly plugged into my virtual setting for certain times. I also love to sent mass text messages to students to remind about live lesson dates, or other hot topic reminders. We will continue to see the advancement of technology change, but I believe cell phones will still remain on the forefront as students are glued to their screens.

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