Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Navigate 3.1.1 LMS Tool Categories

An LMS system is the basic shell for a learning environment. It is the virtual classroom. There are a variety of things within the shell that are needed for a great functioning classroom.
1. Course Content-How does it flow-is it set up in chapters-can students easily move from activities to readings-can students easily jump around to move into different areas
2. Rubrics/quizzes/tests-How do students access these within the course
3. Drop boxes-Where are students turning in their finished assignments
4. Discussion boards-where are they located for students to discuss assignments as required
5. Announcements-is there a homepage where announcements are made and a calendar housed
6. Grade book-does it flow and automatically put in grades for items such as self graded quizzes
7. Pace/Progress monitoring-start and end date monitoring for students
8. Is it APP friendly
9. Does it embed video tutorials for the students to watch within the content

A lot of though needs to be taken into consideration when designing a LMS. Remember your user is ranging from middle school to high school. I have worked in an online setting and been a student in an online setting. As the system grows and develops it needs to be appealing and easy to use for a teenager.

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