Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Create 1.1.1

Time Management
List five time management tools in your blog and briefly describe their use and relevance to the online world. Does the tool relate to personal, professional, or a combination of both?

I could write a book on this subject. In my previous online teaching experience I had 24 hours to return phone calls and 48 hours to grade material. The best teachers who last the longest are the type A teachers that stay organized in their 8am-8pm on call time and now how to turn it off when the day is done. All of these tools relate to both personal and professional. As a virtual teacher at home those lives will overlap. It is key to maintain how much they are overlapping and how to still have work/life balance.

1. Google Voice-This is a necessity-I can answer texts to students either at my computer or on smart phone. I can instantly see who called and what their needs are without listening to numerous voicemails. It is key to staying on top of communication

2. Flash Appointments-Having this on your homepage allows students to make direct appointments that will immediately log into your outlook calendar. I am open for students calling whenever they need, but planning ahead for phone quizzes is a great time saver for both me and then so we are not playing phone tag.

3. Weekly schedule: I follow a weekly schedule every week. With my previous job every M, T, W, Th, F I was performing the same tasks. I knew when to be calling non working students, when to be grading, when to contact students for removal. I had a plan and I followed it.

4. Drop Box: easy way to maintain your files, rubrics, grading notes, etc

5. Outlook calendar: I keep all meetings, appointments, and everything tied into my calendar for key events.

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