Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Communication 4.2.3
  • What role or purpose do discussion forums serve in the online classroom and are they effective?
  • How do discussion forums function as a teaching tool?
  • How could they be used effectively and ineffectively? Furthermore, what are some best practices for facilitating forums online?

  • Discussion forums should be included within the course to have students interacting with each other. I believe it should be on a limited bases within each module and not with each assignment. The function is to get students brainstorming, thinking, and interacting. It is a teaching tool when aligned appropriately to the content. It should be an extension of the content and lead to interactive discussions just as if we were in a classroom. They are effective when students are debating or bouncing ideas off each other for projects, etc. They can become ineffective when students are given direct questions. Often discussion postings need to be open ended to lead to more expansive discussions. When facilitating a form the teacher should also be in the discussion helping students dig deeper and question their responses. They are also there to monitor any misbehavior and abuse of the forum.

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