Monday, March 24, 2014

Communicate 1.1.2

On side note from lesson-I found it very interesting about not sending grades to parents via emails. In my previous virtual employment this is common practice. It is our responsibility to develop relationships with the parents and maintain their preferred method of contact. If a student is doing well and a parent requests information for a monthly update via email we sent it without hesitation.

FERPA is serious business in virtual and traditional school. We need to secure students private information such as social security codes and grades from outside access. We only provide information to parents and students not third parties. We need to use ID numbers not socials to identify our students.

Copyright policies are extremely important as well within the course. Most online course content tends to be created by curriculum developers, but if you are given freedom to create resources or homepage announcements one needs to be aware of copyright policies. We need to provide credit and sources as needed. When citing we need to provide citations and references. When in doubt ask permission!

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