Monday, March 24, 2014

Communicate 2.1.2 Communication guidelines

Welcome Email:
This is an email that is sent to all students on the day they are assigned to your course. I personally like to send it to students and parents. An example of mine is below ( I deleted out personal information such as school name and phone number):

Personal vs Mass Communication
Often times I have used blast emails, blast texts, or blast calls to hit kids all at once. I use this for informal items such as mass reminders or no work in a certain time period. Personal communication should always be used in the beginning of the course to develop a relationship with the student.

Stakeholders: We need to communicate with schools and parents about student progress. We want to reach parents in their preferred method to help them make time for us

School policies: During welcome call these policies should be discussed with parents and students

Tools available: Remind 101 is amazing. I personally like google voice and mass texts through outlook system.

Welcome to Government Online!


I am so excited to be your**** Virtual School Teacher! My name is Mrs. Lee and I will be spending the next 16 weeks with you as your Government Teacher. I am so excited to be part of such a memorable school year!

I will be calling you soon to do your welcome call, but feel free to call me after school for the required Welcome Call. I will also need to speak to a parent, but it does NOT need to be at the same time. I am excited to meet you on the phone and answer all of the questions that I know you must have. You may call me 8:00 am -8:00 pm at my home office number *****.  If I don’t answer, chances are I am on another call. All you need to do is leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Texting and emailing are also GREAT!

Tips to get started:

1.      Call me for the Welcome Call

2.      Click on the “Announcements” each week for important updates.

3.      New Students to ***: attend a “New Student Orientation”.

4.      I am always here for you!


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