Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Navigate 1.2.1 Roles of online environment

I am really enjoying these topics as I am able to relate it to my work experience!

There are numerous roles in a virtual school.
1. The student: The student has a variety of types. Are they homeschooled? Do they attend school during the day? Are they completing the course after school on their own? Do they complete the course in a school lab with a facilitator during the school day? The student is the focus of the program.

2. The facilitator: This person is functions as the go between the virtual school and traditional school setting. Students are often taking online courses during the school day being monitored by a brick and mortar teacher. This is the facilitator.

3. Teacher: The online teacher is the motivator of the students. We keep track of their grades, their progress, and their needs. We maintain communication logs and grades. We are here for the students, parents, and facilitators.

4. Administration: This is typically the same as in a traditional school setting with how they monitor the teachers, their student data, and communicate with stakeholders.

5. Parents/guardians: Their role is to help motivate the students in the course. The teachers keep them up to date with course progress and grades.

6. Course Developer Role: This is the job to update, create, and maintain the courses the students are taking.

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