Friday, March 28, 2014

Create 2.1.1 Web Tools

Presentation: There are a variety of web 2.0 tools for presentations. We need to encourage students to venture away from the traditional Power Point, which is the go to replacement for the old poster board presentation.
Smore, Prezi, and Glogster are amazing tools to help students venture out of their comfort zones.

Sharing: When we think storing documents we think flash drive. We can branch out from this to group sharing sites and collaboration. Drop box is an amazing tool for sharing and sharing large amounts with others. Google Docs is also a fantastic way for student to store data.

Discussion: How do we bring people together for mass communication. Beyond a professional Facebook account, we need ways to have professional discussions. Twitter is great for short snip its. Edmodo is a great professional discussion website that is valued for teachers. Goggle hangout is also an upcoming sharing site.

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