Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Evaluate 3.1.1

When looking at the class as a whole we can see where students are struggling in common areas. On an exam we can differentiate based on the grades received. (I am not currently in a class so I do not have screen shot to provide) If giving an exam and differentiation was needed afterwards I would break the course up into sections. Students scoring 80 and above would be given a webquest or activity to dig deeper into. Students scoring 70-80 would be given practice questions to review the content to mastery level. Students scoring below 70 would work in a small group with me in a re-teach moment to go back over the material and scaffold back up.

In an online setting we can use differentiation in a variety of settings. The students are receiving one on one education. If a student did not do well on an exam we can discuss the material and build off of the misunderstandings. In my previous virtual job I would build upon the material in each modules discussion based assessments. At the end of each module a student would call me to discuss the material and receive the password for the exam. If we were in module 3 and student greatly struggled in module 2 I would use the phone call as remediation for both modules and help students link the material together. Ultimately they will see all the material on the final exam. Virtual education is the golden brick road of IEPs. Individualization, extended time, and other much needed criteria that is hard to meet in traditional school settings can be achieved in the virtual setting. Students can work out of order, they can go back and review, students can work on material receptively until they reach mastery. We want students to have the time needed to build upon the material.

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