Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Evaluate 2.1.1
I enjoyed learning more about the details of the actual set up of the virtual classroom used by GAVS. As a previous virtual school teacher, this format looks very similar to what I have used.
This is the teachers dashboard. If a teacher is in charge of multiple subjects this is how it will be organized. Teachers will have the class ID number, term, name, section, start and end date, and number of enrollees. *(A new concept to me is the start/end date. In my previous job students had the freedom to start whenever. The course had a designed time table, but students were given longer if necessary as long as actively working). This dashboard is giving the teacher the main outline of their course and responsibilities.
This picture gives the specifics of students. Student names, parent names, and contact info is typically on this as well. It shows the funding type of the student, their identification, whether they attended orientation, dropped, and the assessment they plan on taking for the course.
Communication logs are extremely important in the virtual world. When you are leaving students and parents messages and not receiving a response it must be documented in case a complaint arises in the future. It gives the view of the students of what type of contact of you made, date, time, and specific information left in the comment section. It is important to be very detailed in the comment section.
Student data tracking is important to understand their success in the course. How often are they viewing the page, how many attempts did it take when they mastered the quiz. This information will allow an instructor to counsel a student. If a parent is concerned about a students low grade the teacher can reflect on the time being spent in the course. A more detailed learning plan can be established for the student and help establish a better work schedule for both the student and the parent.

Feedback is vital for student growth and mastery. In the world of a growth mind set model where students are being challenged, they need the information to help them reach a mastery model. Giving adequate feedback on assignments and allowing students to review material such as quizzes allows a student to grow. Assignments are learning tools toward the mastery of the subject. A teacher needs to live specific, constructive feedback to enhance the education experience of the student.  Feedback is the key to success in an online environment.

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