Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Evaluate 2.1.2

Course: American Government

SSCG3 The student will demonstrate knowledge of the United States Constitution.
a. Explain the main ideas in debate over ratification; include those in The Federalist.

b. Analyze the purpose of government stated in the Preamble of the United States Constitution.

c. Explain the fundamental principles upon which the United States Constitution is based; include the rule of law, popular sovereignty, separation of powers, checks and balances, and federalism.

When establishing a way for students to show mastery of the above standard, we must develop activities that tie in the learning material into the ultimate goal of demonstrating knowledge. It is a way for students to work with the standards and show mastery through the end exam.

United States Constitution
  • Pre-test
  • 1.00 Ratification Ideas Pamphlet
  • 1.01 Constitution quiz
  • 1.02 Anti-Federalist/Federalist Speech
  • 1.03 Case study fundamental principles
  • 1.04 Constitution exam

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